Rotary Service Committee Meeting
January 8, 2020
Attendees:  1) Linda Hudson, 2) Hart Jacobson, 3) Shelli Johnson, 4) Jen Lamb, 5) Staci Lancaster, 6) Jen Peterson and 7) Dottie Tonkowich.
Discussion of service projects
Committee Leadership—The committee discussed transitioning to new leadership, and Staci will be discussing timing with Deborah.
Dictionaries—Linda crafted an email to send out to educators to get feedback about the use of the dictionaries.   She did not want to send it right before the holidays.  Jen is reaching out to Michelle Escudero, who serves on the school board, to get feedback.  Linda has 10-12 dictionaries left in her garage, and the committee discussed the possibilities of getting them to homeschool students.
Friday Community Meals at Methodist Church—Meal schedule and leadership is as follows:
                        January (1/17)—Mike Lilygren is leading this meal. 
                        February (2/21)—Jen should be able to lead this meal
                        March (3/20)—Dottie will lead this meal.
                        April (4/17)—Jen will lead this meal.
Canyon Scholars—We have not heard yet if the dictionaries we sent made it to the school.  Work continues identifying items on the list of school needs (provided by the school’s principal) to source with the funds the Rotary Board approved.  Hart said that Bill Alley is looking at the possibility of getting internet access for the library.  
Food Bank—Jen Lamb reported that the next unload is January 21, and Jen will notify the list of volunteers.  Jen is asking if the Foodbank has a volunteer email list where we can add our volunteers.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing—Linda is updating our Rotary participation numbers, as Rotarians and Interact members helped beyond our dedicated weekend.
First Stop—Linda reported that Rotary can do another diaper drive for First Stop anytime.  The larger sized diapers are the most needed.  Staci will discuss timing for another diaper drive with the board.
The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5, at 9:30 AM at the Crux Coffee.