Following is one in a series of Newsletters authored by member Jerry Venters.  This one is on our Lander Rotary Website.
Newsletter # 6 – The Rotary Club Website
In this age of social media, most Rotary clubs (and districts) have a Website.  Rotary Club Websites help bind members of the clubs together and publicize projects and events that will tell the public more about what Rotary is and what Rotarians do in service to the world.
Please look at the Lander Club’s Website, when you have a minute. The Home page, our public-facing page, contains information and pictures about our projects in stories, news items, and photo albums.  It also lists our meeting dates and speakers, a listing of our present club leaders, and other similar information.
For private membership information, go to the Member Area (click on the tab in the upper right corner). This is a secure area that you can access only with a password.  Our Webmaster, Ken Richardson, assigns a password to every new member at the time of induction. (You can change the password at any time.)  In the Member Area, you’ll find your profile page, your attendance records, your account status, club membership directories that include pictures of most of our members, and much more.
The Website contains an email service that makes it easy for members to email other members in the club.  On the Documents page, you will find the current Club By-laws and other Club documents.  There are other services too numerous to mention here.
All members are encouraged to submit photos and stories for the Website; just send them – and any questions you have -- to Ken Richardson at and he will take it from there.  Or send them to Jerry Venters, the Club’s 2022-23 Public Relations Chair, at
And did you know we have a Facebook page, Rotary Club of Lander, WY; District 5440 ?  Check it out and start posting; you can help make it valuable to members and informative for the public.  We need to let others know about the great things our club is doing!